Sydney Wells & Seth Stevens
Wedding Date:
Shower Date:
To purchase any of these items, visit the store or call to place your order over the phone, charging it to your credit card or paypal.
Location: Red Door Gifts- 700 N. Pine St, Downtown Rolla, MO.
Phone: 573-364-0016
Gift wrapping is available for $3.50, gift bags for smaller items are free. Delivery available.

"If I had to do it..." Photo frame- $24.99
"Mr. & mrs." large photo frame- $53.99
Apples and Spice melts- $6.49 each
Candle warmer- Chai- $20.99
Wedding shadowbox- $34.99

Wooden Dough Bowl- $25.99
Coasters- 2- Black and White, 1- Love Builds, 1- House made of..- $2.99 each
Flexicado- avacado scooper- $7.99
Kitchen Towels- Buffalo plaid- Various prices
Sorrento Ivory- Pasta- $28.99, Platter- $23.99, Mix Bowl Small- $14.99, Mix Bowl Medium- $20.99

Large Metal Yard Spinner- $46.99