Kim Elsing & Thomas Matthews
Wedding Date:
Shower Date:
To purchase any of these items, visit the store or call to place your order over the phone, charging it to your credit card or paypal.
Location: Red Door Gifts- 700 N. Pine St, Downtown Rolla, MO.
Phone: 573-364-0016
Gift wrapping is available for $3.50, gift bags for smaller items are free. Delivery available.

Aqua Sorrento dishes
Platter​ - $25.99
Pasta Bowl -$28.99Table Runner (14in x 51in)- $27.99
Aqua Cactus- $11.99
Placemats- $8.99 each (Qty- 6)
Core Cutting Board (Blue and Green) -$13.99 each
Coasters (Qty- 4, 2 Green, 2 Blue)- $9.99 each
Dish Towels (Qty- 3, 1 aqua, 2 gray)- $6.99 each
Duck Flour Sack Towels (Qty- 2)- $8.99 each
Large Gray Mr. & Mrs. Frame- $53.99
Solar Frog (large) - $48.99
Wooden Birds (Qty- 2)- $3.99 each
Block Sign (Because Someone We love is in Heaven)- $8.99
Scatter Kindness Sign- $36.99

Love Sign with hooks- $30.99

Metal Box Shelf (Large)- $69.99

Metal Box Shelf (Medium)- $52.99